XKCD Tetris

April 20, 2010

Just thought I’d share….

And another gig with Calum…. Blue Wednesday feat. Neoviolet and some other people

April 6, 2010

And here’s another last minute gig. Calum’s been asked to host Blue Wednesday this month (at the Forest Cafe) and as such will be playing a little set of his own material, and yours truly will be along to to accompany him on bass. His band, Neoviolet are also playing and worth checking out. So come along… as I have the day off work, I might investigate my new box of tricks and see if I can fit it into the set somewhere.

Oh yes, and I handed in my thesis 🙂

One more little set to add to the list…

April 2, 2010

Hi Alasdair,

Can you come and play bass for three songs on Tuesday 6th April (which
is next week)? Paul Gilbody has had a cancellation and offered me a
three song set at Acoustic Edinburgh. So my plan is to go in, play a blinding three
song set (which would require you on bass) and wow them that much that
they feel like tits for treating me like an also ran.

That’s if you’re free. If you’re not, i will turn down the opportunity i think.
Let me know anyway,

it’s 7pm at Medina on Tuesday to do a quick line check if
that’s okay, and i expect we’ll probably be on quite early, probably
first, though he didn’t say.

Calum C…….